“Where Development Happens”
Our mission is to promote, develop, encourage and educate young players in soccer by providing an environment which fosters the enjoyment of the sport along with team spirit, sportsmanship, fair play and which affords all players the opportunity to reach their full potential.
To achieve our goal we shall endeavor to provide education, training and leadership to our volunteers as we strive to reach the highest standards in amateur sport within our community.
Community Programs
Discovery Program
Introduction to Soccer
U4 & U5
U4 & U5 Co Ed - Saturday Morning
U6's may choose this Program if new to soccer.
The aim of the Discovery Program is to introduce Children to the Game of Soccer in a fun and rewarding environment.
During the Introduction to Soccer Phase, children will work on a variety of activities that focus on Physical Literacy and creative touches with the ball. All sessions are run by a Certified CRYSA Staff Coach. Parents are encouraged to take part in the lesson with their child if they need a little more support.
The Discovery Program has 2 separate Seasons that run Sept thru Nov and April thru June.
Player & Coach
Development Phase
U6 - U9
U6/7 Boys & Girls – 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Morning Game
U6/7 Boys & Girls - Play 4v4 (1 GK + 3 Field players)
U8/9 Boys & Girls – 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Morning Game
U8/9 Boys & Girls - Play 5v5 (1 GK + 4 Field players)
During the Player & Coach Development Phase of the CRYSA Community Program, Players in the above age groups will train once a week as a group. There are no set Teams at these ages.
The Community Program has 2 separate Seasons that run Sept thru Nov and April thru June.
The training environment is tailored towards individual and small group skill development as well as Coach Mentorship. No previous Coaching or Playing experience is required. The Technical Director / Support Staff will lead the lessons while providing ideas and tips to the Parent Volunteer Coaches so they can also learn and develop.
On Saturdays, the Age Group will be broken into Mini Teams and play a series of games during their allotted time slot. These Game Days are led by the Parent Volunteer Coaches and a member of the CRYSA Support Staff.
Fields are always set up and ready to go so the players can simply show up and play!
Team Phase
U10 - U13
U10/11 Boys & Girls – 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Morning Games
U10/11 Boys & Girls - Play 6v6 (1 GK + 5 Field players)
U12/13 Boys & Girls - 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Morning Games
U12/13 Boys & Girls - Play 8v8 (1 GK + 7 Field players)
U12 players may play in the U10/11 Age Group upon request.
During the Team Phase of the Community Program, players in the above age groups are broken into Teams at the beginning of the Season and assigned a Parent Volunteer Coach and Manager. These two will be the contact point for players and parents throughout the Season.
The Community Program has 2 separate Seasons that run Sept thru Nov and April thru June. During these Seasons, Players will train once a week with their Parent Volunteer Coaches alongside the support of the CRYSA Technical Director / CRYSA Support Staff.
On Saturdays, Teams play a Scheduled Game against another Community Team. Game Days are led by the Parent Volunteer Coaches.
If numbers are low and don't allow for a viable League, a Co Ed League or blending more Age Groups may take place.
Team Phase
U14 - U18
U14/15 Boys & Girls – 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Afternoon Game.
U14/15 Boys & Girls - Play 11v11 (1 GK + 10 Field players)
U16 - U18 Boys & Girls – 1 Mid-Week Practice / Saturday Afternoon Game.
U16 - U18 Boys & Girls - Play 11v11 (1 GK + 10 Field players)
If numbers are low in U14/15, they may be combined with other age groups
If numbers are low in older ages, Teams may play 7v7 (GK + 6 field players)
During the Team Phase of the Community Program, players in the above age groups are broken into Teams at the beginning of the Season and assigned a Parent Volunteer Coach and Manager. These two will be the contact point for players and parents throughout the Season.
The Community Program has 2 separate Seasons that run Sept thru Nov and April thru June. During these Seasons, Players will train once a week with their Parent Volunteer Coaches alongside the support of the CRYSA Technical Director / CRYSA Support Staff.
On Saturdays, Teams play a Scheduled Game against another Community Team. Game Days are led by the Parent Volunteer Coaches.
If numbers are low and don't allow for a viable League, a Co Ed League or blending more Age Groups may take place.
Friday Night Futsal
(Indoor Soccer)
U8 - U14
Friday Night Futsal is offered during the Winter Season to the U8 - U14 age groups. This is a fun, inclusive game environment geared towards kids who want to play Small Sided Games all session, every session.
Each session will consist of a quick warm up, then break into teams and simply play from start to finish. All game nights are run by Certified CRYSA Staff Coaches.
Team Phase
U12 & U13
U12 & U13 Boys & Girls – 2 MidWeek Practices / Sunday Game
U12 & U13 Boys & Girls - Play 8v8 (1 GK + 7 Field players)
U11 Boys and Girls may be evaluated and selected to play in the Small-Sided Rep Program if the Technical Staff feel its appropriate. Decisions are made on a case by case basis.
“Roster” and “Training” spots will be offered to selected players.
During the Development Phase of the Rep Program, selected players in the above age groups (following evaluations) are broken into Teams at the beginning of the Season and assigned a Parent Volunteer Coach and Manager. These two will be the contact point for players and parents throughout the Season.
Roster players play on the Team full-time while Training players only train with the Team. If the Team is short Roster players for the game, Training players will be given the opportunity to fill those open spots. Training Players are expected to play in the Community League to help further their development in games.
All Players will train twice a week with their Parent Volunteer Coaches along with the support of the CRYSA Technical Director and CRYSA Support Staff.
On Sundays, between Sept and Feb, Teams play a Scheduled Game against other Rep Teams from the Upper Island Soccer Association “UISA”. Travel is required for Away Matches ie. Comox, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Ladysmith, Parksville & Powell River.
Game Days are led by the Parent Volunteer Coaches with the support of the CRYSA Technical Director and CRYSA Support Staff.
If numbers and or skill levels are low in a particular age and dont allow for a viable Team, a blending of age groups may take place.
Team Phase
U14 - U18
U14 - U18 Boys & Girls - 2 Mid-Week Practices / Sunday Game
U14 - U18 Boys & Girls - Play 11v11 (1 GK + 10 Field players)
“Roster” and “Training” spots will be offered to selected players.
During the Competitive Phase of the Rep Program, selected players in the above age groups (following evaluations) are broken into Teams at the beginning of the Season and assigned a Parent Volunteer Coach and Manager. These two will be the contact point for players and parents throughout the Season.
Players may be asked to play out of age on a case by case basis. Sometimes just on permit for games and other times for the entire Rep Team Season. All decisions will be made by the Technical Department in cooperation with the Team Coaches.
Roster players play on the Team full-time while Training players only practice with the Team. If the Team is short players for a game, Training players will be given the opportunity to fill those open spots. Training Players are expected to play in the Community League to help further their development.
All CRYSA Rep Teams will play in the Tier 3 (B Cup) Playdowns and try to qualify for Provincials which are in July. Rep Players are expected to save these dates and attend Provincials if their team qualifies.
All Players will train twice a week during the season with their Parent Volunteer Coaches along with the Support of the CRYSA Technical Director and CRYSA Support Staff.
On Sundays, between Sept and Feb, Teams play a Scheduled Game against other Rep Teams from the Upper Island Soccer Association “UISA”. Travel is required for Away Matches ie. Comox, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Ladysmith, Parksville & Powell River.
Game Days are led by the Parent Volunteer Coaches with the support of the CRYSA Technical Director and CRYSA Support Staff.
If numbers and or skill levels are low in a particular age and don't allow for a viable Team, a blending of age groups may take place.
Academy Programs
U7 - U9
The Keeners Academy is offered during the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons to the U7 - U9 age groups. This is a fun, yet focused and dedicated training environment geared towards those players who want to improve their individual skills by training more.
Each session will focus on individual skills, physical literacy and a variety of Small Sided Games. All training is run by Certified CRYSA Staff Coaches.
U10 & U11
PREP (Pre Rep Program) which is offered during the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons, was created to help advance keen players in the U10 & U11 age groups. Only Players who are striving to play in the CRYSA Rep Program should register for this dedicated, higher standards and expectations Program.
Players in this program are graded on their 3 A’s… Attitude / Attendance / Ability and are expected to be focused and engaged in every training session and game day environment.
All training sessions are run by the CRYSA Technical Director / CRYSA Support Staff and will focus on specific aspects of the game such as passing, movement, possession, positional play and conditioning.
Opportunities to travel for Exhibition Series and Tournaments may be offered to players in PREP.
U9 - U16
The Striker/Goalie Program is offered during the Spring and Fall Seasons. The program is open to Rep and Community Level Players in U9 thru U16 who are wanting to improve their skills around the goal.
Each session focuses on the technique of striking the ball and scoring goals, OR diving and stopping shots, depending which Program is chosen. All training is run by Certified CRYSA Staff Coaches.
Community Skills
U10 - U13
The Community Skills Academy is offered during the Spring and Fall Seasons to the U10 - U13 Community Level Player. This is a fun, inclusive training environment geared towards players who are keen to train more without the commitments and demands of PREP, the Rep Program or the Rep Academy.
Each session focuses on individual skills as well as a variety of Small Sided Games. All training is run by Certified CRYSA Staff Coaches.
U12 - U18
The Rep Academy is offered during the Fall and Spring Seasons to help advance keen players in the U12 - U18 age groups who currently play at the Rep Level and want to supplement their development by training an additional day of the week.
Only Players who play in the CRYSA Rep Program should register for this dedicated, higher standards and expectations Program, but, advancing, keen Community Level Players may register if approved by the Technical Director.
Players in this program are graded on their 3 A’s… Attitude / Ability / Attendance and are expected to be focused and engaged in every training session and game day environment.
All training sessions are run by the CRYSA Technical Director / CRYSA Support Staff and focus on specific aspects of the game such as passing, movement, possession and finishing.
Opportunities to travel for Exhibition Series and Tournaments may be offered to players in the Rep Academy.